BSc 1st Year Physics Syllabus [PDF Download]

In this blog post, you will find the BSc 1st year Physics syllabus in PDF format, as well as detailed categorization of the topics covered in all the physics subjects for the first year of the BSc program.

If you are a first year student & looking for links to download BSc physics syllabus, then you are at the right place.

In this article, we have shared:

  1. List of all the subjects in BSc 1st year physics course.
  2. In-depth list of chapters under each subjects.
  3. Download links to BSc 1st year physics syllabus in pdf format (both BSc & BSc Physics Hons.)

Let get right in by looking at the subjects in the BSc 1st year physics course.

BSc 1st Year Physics Subjects

There are two semester in BSc Physics & each of these semester consists of two theory subjects along with lab experiments.

The semester I is composed of Mathematical Physics & Mechanics whereas Electricity, Magnetism, Waves & Optics are covered in Semester II.

Semester ISemester II
Mathematical Physics – IElectricity & Magnetism
MechanicsWaves & Optics
BSc 1st Year Physics Syllabus Free Download PDF

BSc 1st Year Physics Syllabus

In this section, we have further divided the subjects of Semester I & Semester II into chapters & once you download the syllabus using link provided at the end, you will be able to view all the topics inside each chapter.

Let’s dive right into syllabus of 1st & 2nd semester.

BSc Semester I Physics Syllabus

Mathematical Physics IMechanics
1. Calculus1. Fundamentals of Dynamics
2. Vector Calculus2. Work and Energy
3. Orthogonal Curvilinear Coordinates3. Collisions
4. Introduction to probability4. Rotational Dynamics
5. Dirac Delta function and its properties5. Elasticity
6. Fluid Motion
7. Gravitation and Central Force Motion
8. Oscillations
9. Non-Inertial Systems
10. Special Theory of Relativity

BSc Semester II Physics Syllabus

Electricity & MagnetismWaves & Optics
1. Electric Field and Electric Potential1. Superposition of Collinear Harmonic oscillations
2. Dielectric Properties of Matter2. Superposition of two perpendicular Harmonic
3. Magnetic Field3. Oscillations
4. Magnetic Properties of Matter4. Wave Motion
5. Electromagnetic Induction5. Velocity of Waves
6. Electrical Circuits6. Superposition of Two Harmonic Waves
7. Network theorems7. Wave Optics
8. Ballistic Galvanometer8. Interference
9. Interferometer
10. Diffraction
11. Fraunhofer diffraction
12. Fresnel Diffraction
13. Holography

BSc 1st Year Physics Syllabus Download PDF

Click on the below links to download BSc 1st year physics syllabus in pdf format:

BSc Hons SyllabusDownload Here
BSc with Physics SyllabusDownload Here

University-wise BSc 1st Year Physics Syllabus [PDF]

If you are looking for university-specific syllabus, click the below links. In case if your university is not mentioned in the below list, leave a comment below this post.

University NameDownload Links
Delhi UniversityDownload
Banaras Hindu UniversityDownload
Mumbai UniversityDownload
University of CalcuttaDownload
Andhra UniversityDownload
Kumaun UniversityDownload
University of MadrasDownload
Punjab UniversityDownload
Guwahati UniversityDownload
Utkal UniversityDownload


How many subjects are there in BSc 1st year Physics syllabus?

There are four (two in each semester) books in the BSc 1st year physics syllabus. The first semester comprises Mathematical Physics & Mechanics. On the other hand, Electricity & Magnetism and Waves & Optics are covered in semester II.

What is eligibility criteria for BSc Physics Hons?

For taking admission in BSc physics Hons, candidate must have completed 10+2 with Science stream & have minimum 50% marks in Physics.

How to download BSc 1st year physics syllabus?

You can easily download BSc 1st year physics syllabus directly from our website by visiting this link. If you are looking for university-specific syllabus, visit your university website.

How can I download complete BSc physics syllabus in PDF format?

If you are looking for BSc Physics syllabus, you can visit this link on our website or search for the same on


In this blog post, we have tried to cover the complete BSc 1st year physics syllabus & at the end we have also provided links to download the complete syllabus of BSc Physics.

If you are a BSc student, you can download the complete syllabus using the above links. However, please note that this syllabus is not university specific.

In case if you are looking for university specific syllabus of BSc physics, then you have to visit the official website of your university. Still if you were not able to download the syllabus, you can leave a comment below this post or simply email us.

About the Author(s):

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Fullonstudy Team is a passionate team of educators, content creators, and students, committed to bringing you reliable, up-to-date, and accessible study resources. With a blend of academic knowledge, teaching experience, and a focus on simplifying complex topics, we are here to help guide you through your educational journey.

Other key team members who influence the content you read on our website include those in charge of research, content writing, editing, curriculum design, website development, and user experience. We also collaborate with experts in various academic fields to ensure the accuracy and relevance of our resources.

Manisha Joshi
M.Sc. (Physics), B.Sc. (PCM) at Kumaun University, Nainital  Web

Manisha Joshi is currently pursuing MSc in Physics from Kumaun University, Nainital. She also holds a BSc in Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics, providing her with a strong multidisciplinary foundation.

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