BSc 1st Year Important Questions in Chemistry (Free Download PDF)

Are you looking for BSc 1st year important questions? or BSc Sem I/Sem II important questions in Chemistry? If your answer is yes, then you are at right place. In this post, I am gonna share with you BSc 1st year important questions in Chemistry.

In our last post, we have shared bsc 1st year important questions in physics.

BSc 1st Year Important Questions in Chemistry

BSc 1st year consists of two semesters, i.e. semester I and semester II. In this post, I’ll provide you the download links of important questions of both the semesters in single pdf.

All you have to do is to separate important questions of your semester and have to solve them. In the next update, we will provide important questions for Semester I and Semester II separately.

Some of BSc 1st year important questions in Chemistry (question bank) in pdf format are provided below, which can be used to prepare for the exam.

In the BSc examination, most of the questions asked are from the theory section. As per the syllabus of chemistry, you should make notes.

Pro Tip: Leave all the topics which are not in the syllabus. It is so because if you are a UGC student, then they don’t ask questions out of syllabus.

Since the questions asked in the exams are mainly from theory. You only need to study the concepts for all type of exams. Practice the papers below and they will help you in scoring well in the exams

The important questions for each of the three parts ( i.e. Inorganic Chemistry, Organic Chemistry & Physical Chemistry) is given below in the pdf format.

For downloading these PDFs, all you have to do is simply click on the below links and the study material will start downloading.

Inorganic Chemistry: Download Here

Organic Chemistry: Download Here

Physical Chemistry: Download Here

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If you are facing an issue in downloading the list of important questions in pdf format, simply email us at or leave a comment below this post. Our support team will try to help you as soon as possible.

Chemistry for Degree Students

Chemistry for Degree Students (First Year)

As per the UGC curriculum, the book comprises three parts Inorganic, Organic and Physical Chemistry. Aimed at students of first year in chemistry, the book is written in a logical, clear and understandable style.

Chemistry for Degree Students (Semester I)

This textbook has been designed to meet the needs of B.Sc. First Semester students of Chemistry as per the new UGC Model Curriculum - Choice Based Credit System (CBCS). with its traditional approach to the subject, this textbook lucidly explains principles of chemistry.

organic chemistry for degree students

Organic Chemistry For Degree Students B.Sc. Ist Year (Semester-I)

This text book is best for students who are persuing BSc Semester I from All India Universities under UGC. This textbook has been designed to meet the needs of B.Sc. First Semester students of Chemistry as per the new UGC Model Curriculum - Choice Based Credit System (CBCS).

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