BSc 1st Year Syllabus: Free Download PDF (Updated 2025)

Are you looking for the latest syllabus of BSc 1st year for all the major subjects including Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Zoology, Botany, etc.?

Well, look no further, because we are here with a comprehensive guide on how to download the BSc 1st year syllabus for all the major subjects of Science degree.

Along with the comprehensive breakdown of the syllabus, you will also find download links to the syllabus of all the subjects. We have also tried to accumulate university-wide syllabi for the top 10 universities in India. 

Follow the below table of contents to discover what you can expect from your first year of a Bachelor of Science!

BSc 1st Year Syllabus Download

In the below sections, we have covered the detailed syllabus of major BSc 1st year subjects. It includes the syllabus for Physics, Chemistry, Zoology, Botany, Mathematics, IT, Statistics, Biotechnology, Computer Science and agriculture. 

If you are looking for the syllabus of any other subject, feel free to let us know via the comments section. We will try our best to help you as soon as possible.

BSc 1st Year Physics Syllabus

The syllabus of Physics for BSc 1st year covers Mechanics, Electricity & Theory of Oscillations in the first semester while General Properties of Matter, Magnetism, Waves, and Acoustics are covered in the second semester.

Semester ISemester II
1. Mechanics1. General Properties of Matter
2. Electricity2. Magnetism
3. Theory of Oscillations3. Wave & Acoustics

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BSc Physics Syllabus →                          

BSc Physics Hons Syllabus →

BSc 1st Year Chemistry Syllabus

The syllabus of Chemistry for BSc 1st year is divided into three main parts, Inorganic, organic & physical chemistry.

In the first semester, there are two subjects: Atomic structure and chemical bonding from Inorganic chemistry and states of Matter and ionic equilibrium from physical chemistry.

The second semester comprises Basics & Hydrocarbons from Organic Chemistry and chemical thermodynamics from Physical Chemistry.

Semester ISemester II
1. Atomic Structure & Chemical Bonding (Inorganic)1. Basics & Hydrocarbons (Organic)
2. States of Matter & Ionic Equilibrium (Physical)2. Chemical Thermodynamics & its Applications (Physical)

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BSc Chemistry Syllabus →                         

BSc Chemistry Hons Syllabus →

BSc 1st Year Zoology Syllabus

Zoology is the scientific study of animals, including their behavior, physiology, anatomy, and evolution. Its goal is to understand how animals interact with each other, their environment, and humans.

The syllabus of Zoology for semester I consists of Non-chordates (Protista to Pseudocoelomates) & Principles of ecology. 

On the other hand, semester II comprises Non-chordates & Cell biology.

Semester ISemester II
1. Non-chordates I: Protista to Pseudocoelomates1. Non-chordates II: Coelomates
2. Principles of Ecology2. Cell Biology 

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BSc Zoology Syllabus →                         

BSc Zoology Hons Syllabus →

BSc 1st Year Botany Syllabus

Botany encompasses a wide range of scientific disciplines, including ecology, physiology, genetics, and molecular biology, among others. 

It is the scientific study of plants, including their structure, growth, reproduction, biochemistry, and distribution

Botanical research has applications in agriculture, horticulture, medicine, industry, and conservation.

The detailed syllabus of Botany for 1st year is divided into two semesters. The first semester consists of Algae, Fungi, and bryophyta & subjects in the second semester are microbiology, pteridophyta, gymnosperms & paleobotany.

Semester ISemester II
1. Algae1. Microbiology
2. Fungi2. Pteridophyta
3. Bryophyta3. Gymnosperm & Paleobotany

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BSc Botany Syllabus →                         

BSc Botany Hons Syllabus →

BSc 1st Year Mathematics Syllabus

In BSc 1st year, the mathematics is somewhat similar to the mathematics of 10+2. 

In the first semester, you will get to learn about Elementary algebra, trigonometry, differential calculus, geometry & vector analysis.

On the other hand, in semester II, the syllabus comprises Group theory, Integral calculus & analytical geometry.

Semester ISemester II
1. Elementary Algebra & Trigonometry1. Group Theory
2. Differential Calculus2. Integral Calculus
3. Geometry & Vector Analysis3. Analytical Geometry

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BSc Mathematics Syllabus →                          

BSc Mathematics Hons Syllabus →

BSc 1st Year IT Syllabus

IT stands for Information Technology and is a broad field encompassing all aspects of managing and processing information and data. 

It includes hardware, software, networks, and other technical fields. IT is involved in the development of computer systems, networks, databases, and other related technologies. 

In the first year, students will get to learn about the Fundamentals of IT, Office automation & principles of programming languages in semester I. 

On the other hand, semester II comprises Computer organization & architecture, C programming & basics of Computer networks.

Semester ISemester II
1. Fundamentals of IT1. Computer Organization & Architecture
2. Office Automation2. Programming through C
3. Principles of Programming Languages3. Basics of Computer Networks

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BSc IT Syllabus →                    

BSc 1st Year Statistics Syllabus

Statistics is the science of collecting, organizing, analyzing, interpreting, and presenting data. It involves using mathematical and computational methods to identify patterns and trends in data sets. 

The main subjects in BSc Statistics during the first year are: Descriptive Statistics, Probability, Regression Analysis, Applied statistics, statistical computing & data visualization.

Semester ISemester II
1. Descriptive Statistics1. Probability and Probability Distributions
2. Calculus2. Algebra 

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BSc Statistics Syllabus →                          

BSc 1st Year Biotechnology Syllabus

Biotechnology is the use of living systems and organisms to develop or make products, or “any technological application that uses biological systems, living organisms, or derivatives thereof, to make or modify products or processes for specific use” (UNESCO). 

It is a broad field and includes the use of biological processes for the production of food, fuel, and other products, as well as the development of various medical, agricultural, and environmental technologies.

Semester ISemester II
1. Biochemistry & Metabolism1. Mammalian Physiology
2. Cell Biology2. Plant Physiology

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BSc Biotechnology Syllabus →                     

BSc 1st Year Computer Science Syllabus

The syllabus of computer science for BSc 1st year is quite similar to that of BSc It. 

You will get to learn mostly about programming language during the BSc Computer Science course.

In semester I, you will learn C & C++ along with Computer system architecture while Java & discrete structures are covered in semester II.

Semester ISemester II
1. Programming Fundamentals using C/C++1. Programming in JAVA
2. Computer System Architecture2. Discrete Structures

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BSc CS Syllabus →                                                

BSc 1st Year Agriculture Syllabus

BSc in Agriculture is a three-year undergraduate degree program that focuses on the study of crops, soil, and other aspects of agricultural production. 

This degree program covers topics such as plant physiology, animal nutrition, soil science, agroeconomics, plant pathology, crop protection, and agricultural engineering. 

It also includes courses in business administration, farm management, and marketing. 

Students who complete this degree are prepared to work in a variety of agricultural-related areas, including research, education, government, and private industry.

The syllabus of BSc agriculture for Semester I & II is described in the below table.

Semester ISemester II
1. Fundamentals of Agronomy-I1. Fundamentals of Agronomy-II 
2. Introduction to Meteorology & Climate Change2. Fundamentals of crop physiology 
3. Livestock Production & Management3. Fundamentals of Agricultural Economics 
4. Rural Sociology & Educational Psychology4. Soil and Water Conservation Engineering
5. Fundamentals of Horticulture5. Fundamentals of Entomology
6. Comprehension & Communication Skills in English6. Fundamentals of Agricultural Extension Education
7. Introductory Microbiology 7. Fundamentals of Genetics 
8. Fundamentals of Soil Science8. Fundamentals of Plant Pathology

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BSc Agriculture Syllabus →  

University-wise Syllabus for BSc 1st Year                      

The university-wise BSc syllabus for 1st year students is given in the below table. At present, we have only included the syllabus of the top 10 universities in India. 

In case you are looking for the syllabus of your university, leave a comment below this post & we will try our best to help you as soon as possible.

University NameSyllabus
Delhi UniversityDownload Here
Calicut UniversityDownload Here
Thiruvalluvar UniversityDownload Here
Periyar UniversityDownload Here
Chhindwara UniversityDownload Here
Kerala UniversityDownload Here
Magadh UniversityDownload Here
Allahabad UniversityDownload Here
Osmania UniversityDownload Here
Kumaun UniversityDownload Here


What are the subjects in the first year of BSc?

Some of the top BSc subjects that you can study in BSc 1st year include Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Zoology, Botany, CS, IT, Agriculture, and biotechnology.

How can I download the BSc 1st Year 2023 syllabus in pdf format?

You can either visit the official website of your university or download the syllabus from our website directly. Please note that the syllabus available on our website is not for any specific university. However, it is a common syllabus offered by UGC.

How to download the BSc 1st year syllabus for my university?

Visit your university website & then visit the Faculty section. Under the faculty section, select your subject & you will be redirected to another page from where you can download your university syllabus directly. This process varies from university to university.

Is the BSc 1st year syllabus free to download?

Yes, the BSc 1st year syllabus for all the subjects is completely free to download.

From where can I download books for BSc 1st Year?

If you are looking for books for the BSc 1st year, consider visiting this link.


Through this post, we have tried our best to give you an overview of the syllabus for BSc 1st year. You can use the download links to download the syllabus of BSc 1st year for any subject of your choice.

In case you are looking for the university-wise syllabus & your university is not listed on this post, please feel free to leave a comment below this post & we will do our best to help you!

About the Author(s):

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Fullonstudy Team is a passionate team of educators, content creators, and students, committed to bringing you reliable, up-to-date, and accessible study resources. With a blend of academic knowledge, teaching experience, and a focus on simplifying complex topics, we are here to help guide you through your educational journey.

Other key team members who influence the content you read on our website include those in charge of research, content writing, editing, curriculum design, website development, and user experience. We also collaborate with experts in various academic fields to ensure the accuracy and relevance of our resources.

Manisha Joshi
M.Sc. (Physics), B.Sc. (PCM) at Kumaun University, Nainital  Web

Manisha Joshi is currently pursuing MSc in Physics from Kumaun University, Nainital. She also holds a BSc in Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics, providing her with a strong multidisciplinary foundation.

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