BSc Physics Syllabus 2025: 1st, 2nd & 3rd Year [PDF]

In the last few months, we have got numerous questions regarding the syllabus of physics for BSc. Well, we are here in this post with the complete syllabus of physics for most Indian universities.

After reading this post, you will get to know:

  • A bit about Bachelors in science.
  • All the physics subjects &
  • BSc physics syllabus for most Indian universities.

Let’s dive right in.

BSc Physics Syllabus

About BSc Physics

BSc (stands for Bachelors in Science) is a 3-year degree program that you can do after completing your 10+2 with the science stream.

Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Biology, etc are some subjects that you can choose during your bachelor’s in science.

In BSc honors, you only have to choose a single subject. On the other hand, you can also do a plane BSc with three or more subjects. e.g. BSc with PCM (Physics, Chemistry & Mathematics).

BSc Physics Subjects

Each year comprises two semesters & thus the whole course is divided into six semesters. And, each semester consists of three subjects (books).

Below is the semester-wise distribution of the complete BSc Physics syllabus.

BSc 1st Year Physics Subjects:

Physics Sem IPhysics Sem-II
 1. Mechanics 1. General Properties of Matter
 2. Electricity 2. Magnetism
 3. Theory of Oscillations 3. Waves & Acoustics 

BSc 2nd Year Physics Subjects:

Physics Sem IIIPhysics Sem IV
 1. Thermodynamics 1. Heat Transfer Mechanism
 2. Geometrical Optics 2. Physical Optics
 3. Elementary Solid State Physics 3. Statistical Physics

BSc 3rd Year Physics Subjects

Physics Sem VPhysics Sem VI
 1. Quantum Mechanics 1. Special Theory of Relativity & E.M. Waves
 2. Atomic & Molecular Physics 2. Subatomic Physics
 3. Basic Electronics 3. Analog/Digital Electronics

Note: The subjects may vary from university to university.

BSc Physics Syllabus Download PDF

The general syllabus that may be applicable to most universities is given below in pdf format.

It comprises all the topics that you have to study in all six semesters. You can use the below download buttons to download the complete syllabus for free.

SyllabusDownload Links
BSc with PhysicsDownload Here
Physics (Hons)Download Here


Let’s have a look at the university-wise BSc physics syllabus.

University wise BSc Physics Syllabus

The physics syllabus of some of the top universities is given below. You can either visit your university website or download the syllabus directly from here.

BHU Syllabus

Link: Click here to download

University website:

DU Syllabus

Link: Click here to download

University website:

Kerala University Syllabus

Link: Click here to download

University website:

Calicut University Syllabus

Link: Click here to download

University website:

Kumaun University Syllabus

Link: Click here to download

University Website:

For now, the syllabus of only these universities is available. However, you can use the above button to submit the syllabus to your university.

Syllabus Added

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In this post, we have shared the complete syllabus of BSc physics along with all subjects. Please note that the syllabus might be a bit different depending on the university.

Now, you might ask what to do if the syllabus you need isn’t available here.

If it is so, then you can simply visit your university website & download the complete syllabus. Also, you can comment below this post so that we can try our best to arrange a complete syllabus for you.

I hope you will be able to download the complete BSc physics syllabus after reading this post.

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How many semesters are there in BSc Physics?

BSc is a 3-year degree course. Each year comprises two semesters & thus the whole course is divided into six semesters.

What are the main subjects in BSc Physics?

The main subjects that are taught in BSc physics are Classical physics, Modern physics, Nuclear physics, Atomic physics, Mechanics & Acoustics.

Is the syllabus same for BSc General & Honors?

It depends on the university. Most Indian universities do have a different syllabus for general & honors subjects.

Where can I find BSc books for free in pdf?

Free BSc books in pdf format are available on our website. You can download free BSc books here.

Related BSc Syllabus:

BotanyComputer ScienceIT

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