BA Books Free Download PDF 2025 (1st, 2nd & 3rd Year)

Tired of searching for BA Books & Notes? Looking for free download books in pdf format?

Well, our team is here to help you!

In this post, we are here with free to download BA books & notes in pdf format. It includes ebooks for BA in Hindi, English, History, Political science, Economics, Sociology, etc.

In our previous post, we have discussed books & notes for BSc & BCom students.

Before we begin, let’s have a quick introduction about BA (Bachelors in Arts) & the list of subjects. 

This post might be a little longer for you to read, so I suggest using the below table of contents.

BA (Bachelors in Arts)

BA stands for Bachelors in Arts. It is a 2-3 year degree program that you can pursue after completing your 10+2.

You need to have at least 40% in your class 12th for getting admission in BA. 

Each year is divided into two semesters.

You can also apply for various government jobs for 10+2 students while pursuing your bachelor’s in arts.

Here is the list of some of the top subjects in BA:

  1. English Literature
  2. Hindi
  3. History
  4. Political Science
  5. Psychology
  6. Sociology
  7. Economics

BA Books Free Download PDF

The complete syllabus for each of the above subjects for all three years is discussed below. After this section, we have provided BA books & notes in pdf format that you can easily download for free.

01. BA English Books

In the bachelor’s of arts, you will get to study novels, poetry & plays/dramas of Shakespeare. 

Along with that, it also covers communication skills, writing & study skills.

BA 1st Year English Books

Semester ISemester II
1. English Communication Skills/MIL/EVS 1. English Communication Skills/MIL/EVS – II
2. The Individual and Society. Eds2. Selections (poems, short stories) from Modern Indian Literature 

BA 2nd Year English Books

Semester IIISemester IV
1. British Literature/ Novel/Play 1. Literary Cross Currents 
2. Creative Writing, Book and Media Reviews2. Translation Studies and Principles of Translation

BA 3rd Year English Books

Semester VSemester VI
1. Technical Writing1. Business Communication 
2. Soft Skills2. Business Communication
3. Gender and Human Rights/Contemporary India3. Cultural Diversity

02. BA Hindi Books

BA with Hindi comprises subjects like writing skills, communication skills & the history of the Hindi language.

A candidate is only eligible for BA with Hindi if they studied Hindi in 10+2.

Honors subjects also include Indian society, the history of the Hindi language & historical poems.

BA 1st Year Hindi Books

Semester ISemester II
1. प्राचीन‍ एवं‍ भहिकालीन‍ काव्‍य1. रीतिकालीन  काव्‍य‍ एवं‍ काव्‍यांग‍ विवेचन 
2. हिन्‍दी‍ कथा-साहित्‍य2.  नाटक‍ एवं‍ एकांकी

BA 2nd Year Hindi Books

Semester IIISemester IV
1. द्विवेदी युगीन एवं छायावादी  काव्य1. छायावादोत्तर हिंदी कविता 
2. हिंदी निबंध 2. स्मारक साहित्य 

BA 3rd Year Hindi Books

Semester VSemester VI
1. प्रयोजनमूलक हिंदी1. हिंदी पत्रकारिता 
2. लोक-साहित्य2. उत्तराखंड का हिंदी साहित्य 

03. BA History Books

BA with history is another interesting course. In this course, you will learn subjects like the early & medieval history period.

Indian Society & Gender Sensitization are other few topics that have been covered completely in the syllabus of BA History.

BA 1st Year History Books

Semester ISemester II
1. Ancient India –From Earliest Times to Mauryan Age1. Ancient India (Post Mauryan Period to 1200AD) 
2. World History from the Mid 15th century to 1648 A.D.2. World History (1648 AD -1815 AD.)

BA 2nd Year History Books

Semester IIISemester IV
1. History of India from c. AD 1200- 17601. Mughal Period (1526-1707)
2. World History 1815-1914 AD2. World History (1914-1945) 

BA 3rd Year History Books

Semester VSemester VI
1. Modern India (1707-1857)1. Modern India (1858-1950) 
2. Indian Society and Culture (up to 1200 AD)2. Indian Society and Culture 1200 AD-1950

04. BA Political Science Books

Indian polity is one of the most interesting subjects that you can study after 10+2. 

BA covers political theory, democracy, constitutional government & political process in India.

BA 1st Year Political Science Books

1. Political Theory
2. Theory and Practice of Modern Government

BA 2nd Year Political Science Books

1. Representative Political Thinkers 
2. Indian Government and Politics 

BA 3rd Year Political Science Books

1. Western Political Thought (From Plato to Bodin) 
2. Comparative Politics
3. Public Administration

05. BA Economics Books

Economics is defined as the study of wealth & money. It involves financial education.

Being financially educated is important because it helps you make good decisions regarding money & its management.

BA 1st Year Economics Books

Semester ISemester II
1. Introductory Microeconomics1. Introductory Macroeconomics  
2. Mathematical Methods for Economics-I2. Mathematical Methods for Economics-II

BA 2nd Year Economics Books

Semester IIISemester IV
1. Intermediate Microeconomics-I1. Intermediate Microeconomics-II
2. Intermediate Macroeconomics-I2. Intermediate Macroeconomics-II 
3. Statistical Methods for Economics3. Introductory Econometrics 

BA 3rd Year Economics Books

Semester V Semester VI
1. Indian Economy-I1. Indian Economy-II
2. Development Economics-I2. Development Economics-II

06. BA Psychology Books

Psychology refers to the study of the mind. In BA, you will get to learn social & general psychology.

It further includes perception, motivation, personality, intelligence & other interesting topics.

BA 1st Year Psychology Books

Semester ISemester II
1. Introduction to Psychology1. Psychology of Individual Differences
2. Biopsychology2. Statistical Methods for Psychological Research-I

BA 2nd Year Psychology Books

Semester IIISemester IV
1. Psychological Research1. Statistical Methods for Psychological Research-II
2. Development of Psychological Thought2. Developmental Psychology
3. Social Psychology3. Applied Social Psychology

BA 3rd Year Psychology Books

Semester VSemester VI
1. Understanding Psychological Disorders1. Understanding and Dealing with Psychological Disorders 
2. Organizational Behavior2. Counseling Psychology

07. BA Sociology Books

Sociology deals with social behavior & how to live within a society. You will learn a lot about Indian society in this undergraduate course.

Some important topics like social structures, society & religion constitute the syllabus. These subjects make it another interesting course in Bachelors of Arts.

BA 1st Year Sociology Books

Semester ISemester II
1. Introduction to Sociology I1. Introduction to Sociology II
2. Sociology of India I2. Sociology of India II 

BA 2nd Year Sociology Books

Semester IIISemester IV
1. Political Sociology1. Economic Sociology
2. Sociology of Religion2. Sociology of Kinship
3. Sociology of Gender3. Social Stratification

BA 3rd Year Sociology Books

Semester VSemester VI
1. Sociological Thinkers I1. Sociological Thinkers II
2. Sociological Research Methods I2. Sociological Research Methods II 

BA Books & Notes: Free Download PDF

Click on the below links to download BA Books & notes for free in pdf format. 

Please note that the books provided below are not owned by us. We have used free resources available on the Internet to help students. Also, we have not uploaded the study material directly, instead, we have linked to them.

SubjectsDownload Links
Political ScienceDownload

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BA Books Free Download PDF


1. What are the subjects in BA?

Bachelor’s in Arts can be done with any of the following subjects: Hindi, English, Mathematics, History, Geography, Political Science, Economics, Psychology, Sociology, Sanskrit, etc.

2. Is BA a good course for becoming an IAS Officer?

Yes, it is so because most of the syllabus of UPSC exams gets covered during BA.

3. From where can I download the syllabus for BA?

The syllabus of BA varies from university to university. However, you can find the complete syllabus by visiting the official website of your university/college.


In this post, we have tried our best to provide BA books for major subjects. However, notes are not yet available.

We will update this post with BA notes as soon as they are available. Meanwhile, you can use these books.

Do you find this post helpful? Leave a comment & let us know. 

Also, you can appreciate our efforts by sharing this post with your friends & family.


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