BA Hindi books in pdf format for 1st, 2nd & 3rd-year students are available for free to download on our website. All you have to do is to follow this post & you are good to go.
In this post, we have shared the download links of BA Hindi books for all 3 years in pdf format for 100% free. Along with that, we have also shared a list of some of the recommended textbooks that you can purchase online.
If you face any problem while downloading, then there’s nothing to worry about. We even have curated a step-by-step guide on how you can download all BA Hindi books at the end of this post.
Alright, without any further delay – let us get started by discussing a bit about the BA Hindi course including eligibility criteria & course duration.
BA Hindi Course Details
The BA Hindi course is a three-year full-time, part-time, or distance learning program. This course focus on Hindi literature, language, grammar, and culture.
It not only provides you with a deep understanding of the language but also helps to develop your skills in Hindi through the study of literature in original Hindi.
The BA Hindi course is designed for those who have Hindi as their mother tongue or a qualification in Hindi, and who want to study at a higher level.
The course is an advanced level of Hindi and is not intended for students who are just starting their Hindi studies.
Eligibility: 10+2 with Hindi subject
Course Duration: 3 or 4 years
BA Hindi Books PDF: Free Download
Till now, we have discussed a brief overview of the BA Hindi course. It’s now time to discuss our main topic, i.e. BA Hindi books in pdf format.
Before we begin, we would like to make it clear that the study material available on our website is not completely owned by us. As in the case of BA Hindi books, we have used the study material from the free library of IGNOU (Indra Gandhi National Open University).
We have provided a link to eGyankosh (a library by IGNOU), from where students can easily download the study material of their choice.
Let us start with BA 1st year books in pdf format.
BA 1st Year Hindi Books PDF
BA books for 1st year consist of the first & second semesters. In the first semester, you will study the old & medieval poems, dramas, solitary, fiction & much more.
A general overview of the books in each semester is shown in the below table. However, the order of books in different semesters might be different in each university.
Semester I | Semester II |
1. प्राचीन एवं भहिकालीन काव्य | 1. रीतिकालीन काव्य एवं काव्यांग विवेचन |
2. हिन्दी कथा-साहित्य | 2. नाटक एवं एकांकी |
Recommended Textbooks:
- हिंदी काव्य (Hindi Kavya) – by S. Fauzdar & Dr. Leena Chauhan
- रीतिकालीन हिन्दी वीरकाव्य – Ritikalin Hindi Virkavya – by Dr. Bhagwan Das Tiwari
- Hindi Natak aur Ekanki – by Sheetal, Sumita Tripathi
BA 2nd Year Hindi Books PDF
In the third semester, you will get to know about the Dwivedi era, shadow poetry & essay writing. On the other hand, the fourth semester consists of subjects like Chayawad Hindi poetry & memorial literature.
Semester III | Semester IV |
1. द्विवेदी युगीन एवं छायावादी काव्य | 1. छायावादोत्तर हिंदी कविता |
2. हिंदी निबंध | 2. स्मारक साहित्य |
Recommended Textbooks:
- Dwivediyugin Chayavadi kavya – by Mahendra Kumar Singh & Sunil Kumar Dubey
- छायावादोत्तर हिंदी कविता – by Neeraj Publications
BA 3rd Year Hindi Books PDF
Last but not the least, in the final year of BA Hindi, you will study subjects like objective Hindi, social literature, Hindi journalism & literature of the state.
Semester V | Semester VI |
1. प्रयोजनमूलक हिंदी | 1. हिंदी पत्रकारिता |
2. लोक-साहित्य | 2. राज्य का हिंदी साहित्य |
Recommended Textbooks:
- Prayojanmulak Hindi / प्रयोजनमूलक हिन्दी – by Dr. S. A. Manjunath
- Lok Sahitya Vigyan – by Dr. Satyendra
Download Links: BA Hindi Books (1st, 2nd & 3rd Year)
In this section, you will find download links to BA Hindi books along with the syllabus of BA with Hindi & Hindi Hons in pdf format.
The download links are given in the below table & all you have to do is simply click on the “Download” link beside each of the below contents.
If you are facing any problems while downloading, simply follow the below step-by-step guide. You can also email us at
Step-by-step Guide to Download BA Hindi Books
#1. First, use the above links as given in the last section to download the BA Hindi syllabus & books in pdf format.
#2. As you click on the above download link “BA Hindi Books”, you will be redirected to a pdf file as shown below.

#3. Next, you have to click on the listed items inside the pdf file. Clicking on these link will now redirect you to the eGyanKosh website, from where you can easily download books following the next steps.

#4. Here you will have to click on each of these sections after downloading the content of the first one.

#5. Last but not the least, next you have to click on any unit of your choice – & a download button will appear on the next page, from where you can easily download BA Hindi books.

BA stands for Bachelors of Arts. It is a 3-year undergraduate course that deals with the study of Humanities & Arts.
Depending on the university, BA in Hindi courses last 3 to 4 years. In India, most colleges offer three-year BA degrees.
In the syllabus of Hindi for BA 1st year, there are four years namely: प्राचीन एवं भहिकालीन काव्य, हिन्दी कथा-साहित्य, रीतिकालीन काव्य एवं काव्यांग विवेचन & नाटक एवं एकांकी.
If you are looking for free to download BA Hindi books, then simply visit our website & download them for 100% free.
- BA Books Free Download PDF
- BA English Books: 1st, 2nd & 3rd Year
- History Books for BA 1st, 2nd & 3rd Year
- Political Science Books for BA 1st, 2nd & 3rd Year
In this short blog post, we have tried our best to cover as much as possible about BA Hindi books. We have provided a list of recommended textbooks for BA 1st, 2nd & 3rd years along with free-to-download books in pdf format.
If you face any problem in downloading books from our website, simply leave a comment below this post or connect with us at:
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