BSc 1st Year Mathematics Notes: PDF (For Sem I & II)

Are you looking for BSc 1st year mathematics notes in pdf format? Well, if it is so, then you are in the right place.

Today, we are here with free to download mathematics notes for BSc 1st year students. In this post, we have discussed a detailed guide on how you can download these notes without spending a single penny.

In our last few posts, we have also covered detailed guides on how to download physics & chemistry notes for BSc 1st year students.

Here’s the link to these posts:

Along with that, you can also download free BSc books & much more on our Free Study Material section.

I think it’s enough about free study material available on our website. Let’s go back to our main topic, i.e. BSc 1st year mathematics notes.

Let us first discuss a bit about the syllabus of BSc mathematics!

BSc 1st Year Mathematics Syllabus

The syllabus of BSc 1st year is distributed into two semesters. The first semester comprises books like Elementary Algebra, Matrices, Trigonometry, Differential Calculus & Vector Analysis.

Likewise, the syllabus for the second semester comprises Group Theory, Integral Calculus & Analytical Geometry.

The detailed syllabus of both the semesters in tabular form is given below:

Semester ISemester II
Matrices & TrigonometryGroup Theory
Differential CalculusIntegral Calculus
Geometry & Vector AnalysisAnalytical Geometry

You can also download the complete syllabus of BSc mathematics here.

BSc 1st Year Mathematics Notes: Download Here

The link to download BSc 1st year mathematics notes is given below. In order to download these notes, you have to use any of the below share buttons.

Just after you share this post using the below share buttons, the download links will be visible for each book.



Subject/BooksDownload Links
Algebra of MatricesDownload
Differential CalculusDownload
Vector AlgebraDownload
Analytical GeometryDownload
Group Theory**Download
Integral Calculus**Download

** Notes for Group Theory are taken from Michigan Technological University ( & that of Integral Calculus from Northwestern University (


I can’t download BSc 1st year mathematics notes. What should I do?

In order to download the notes, you have to first use any of the above share buttons & share this post either on Facebook or Twitter.

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  • Your internet connection might be slow. Change it to a better connection.
  • You might be using a browser that is not compatible. Use Chrome/Firefox/Edge or Safari. Don’t use browsers like UC Browser, Opera, etc.
  • If you are using a VPN, then switch back to normal connection & try again.

If still after doing all these things, you can’t download these notes, simply email us at or Whatsapp Us at +91 8979171604 (for fast response). Please do not call us!

Final Words!

In this post, we have shared notes for almost all books of BSc 1st year. All these notes are available for free to download on our website.

Here are some more posts that you might find helpful:

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