BSc 1st Year Physics Notes PDF: Free Download Here (2025)

Are you looking for BSc Physics notes? Well if so, you are in the right place. In this post, we are going to share the download links to BSc 1st year physics notes in pdf format.

In the past few months, hundreds of BSc 1st year students have requested study material (notes & question bank) in Physics. As a result, we are here with complete handwritten notes.

In our last few posts, we have also shared question banks & notes for chemistry 1st-year students.

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Let us first share a little about the course/subject and then we will move to the study material downloading process.

About BSc Physics

BSc (Bachelors in Science) is an undergraduate 3-year degree program that is designed for 10+2 students who are interested in the Science stream.

It consists of the major subjects including: Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Zoology, Botany, Computer Science, Biology, Biochemistry, EVS & Electronics.

Students can either opt for honors in specific subjects or for the plane course (where he/she will have to choose 3 subjects. e.g. BSc with PCM or BSc with ZBC).

Well, I think it’s enough about the course. Let’s discuss the syllabus of BSc 1st year Physics.

BSc 1st Year Physics Syllabus

Syllabus of degree 1st-year physics consists of the following books:

  • Mechanics & General Properties of Matter
  • Electricity & Magnetism
  • Theory of Oscillations, Waves & Acoustics

For students with semester system the syllabus is as:

BSc Physics Semester IBSc Physics Semester II
1.  Mechanics1. General Properties of matter
2. Electricity2. Magnetism
3. Theory of Oscillations3. Waves and Acoustics

This is not the complete syllabus of physics. It just comprises of BSc books that you will have in your course. However, the complete syllabus of physics for BSc students is also available on our website.

As we don’t know which system your university follows (i.e. Semester system or Yearly Examination System), so the study material we have provided here consists of notes for both the 1st & 2nd semester. We’ve provided download links for notes of each chapter below.

Below are the download links of notes in pdf format for all chapters.

All you have to do is to simply click on the “Download Here” link after each subject and download the study material.

Book 1: Mechanics & General Properties of Matter

UnitsDownload Links
1.       VectorsDownload Here
2.      GravitationDownload Here
3.      Conservation LawsDownload Here
4.      Dynamics of Rigid BodyDownload Here
5.       Properties of Bulk MatterDownload Here

Book 2: Electricity & Magnetism

UnitsDownload Links
1.       ElectrostaticsDownload Here
2.      Electric Fields in MatterDownload Here
3.      Magnetic Effect of CurrentDownload Here
4.      Electric CurrentDownload Here
5.      Alternating CurrentDownload Here

Book 3: Theory of Oscillations, Waves & Acoustics

UnitsDownload Links
1.      Simple Harmonic MotionDownload Here
2.      Forced OscillationsDownload Here
3.      Wave MotionDownload Here
4.      Ultrasonics & AcousticsDownload Here
5.      Electromagnetic WavesDownload Here

Along with these notes, you should also practice important questions & numerical problems in physics.

How to Download?

Downloading BSc 1st year Physics notes is quick & easy. All you have to do is to follow the below steps:

Step 1: Click here to go to the download links.

Step 2: Click on the download links beside each subject & the pdf file will be downloaded in your system.

Step 3: For opening these pdf files, you should have proper application installed on your system. We recommend installing Adobe PDF reader on all your devices.

FAQ: I can’t download the pdf files using the download links? What to do?

Ans: If you are not able to download the study material, then these might be the issues:

  • The speed of the Internet is too slow in your device.
  • You might be using some adblocker which might be causing this.
  • Data Saving mode is on in your browser.

If even after doing all this, you are still not able to download the pdf files. Simply reach out to us by either sending a message on WhatsApp or leaving an email at

Final Words

In this post, we have shared complete information regarding how to download BSc 1st year physics notes. If you face any difficulty during the download process, simply leave a comment below so that we can look after it.

Do you know? You can also download IGNOU study material for any subject for absolutely free (without being a student)

You are also welcome to write suggestions, ways of improvement & future recommendations in the comment box. If you like the post, appreciate our efforts by sharing it with your friends.

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