BSc IT Syllabus 2025: 1st, 2nd & 3rd Year (Free Download PDF)

Free Download BSc IT Syllabus

BSc in IT is a 3-year degree program that commonly deals with the study of computer programming. Various programming languages like C, C++, Java & Python are covered in the syllabus of major universities.

In this post, we are here with the complete syllabus of IT for BSc students. We will cover the syllabus of all three years & also provide you links to download it in pdf format.

You can use the below table of contents for better navigation. Also, if you have any doubts, make sure to leave a comment below this post.

BSc IT Syllabus

BSc in IT is a 3-year degree program specially designed for students having an interest in Computer programming & Information Technology. 

Each year comprises two semesters, thus this course constitutes six semesters in total. The programming languages that are mainly taught in this course are C, C++, Java & Python. 

Additionally, you can also expect Web Development languages like HTML, CSS, JS, etc along with Database Management.

The complete syllabus of IT for all six semesters is as discussed below.

BSc 1st Year IT Syllabus

Semester ISemester II
1. Fundamentals of IT1. Computer Organization & Architecture
2. Office Automation2. Programming through C
3. Principles of Programming Languages3. Basics of Computer Networks

BSc 2nd Year IT Syllabus

Semester IIISemester IV
1. Database Management Systems1. Object-Oriented Programming with C++
2. Web Technologies2. Operating System
3. E-commerce3. Green Computing

BSc 3rd Year IT Syllabus

Semester VSemester VI
1. Cyber Law1. Software Engineering
2. Programming with Python2. JAVA Programming
3. Wireless Communications3. Cloud Computing

BSc IT Syllabus: Download Here

In the previous section, we have discussed the semester-wise syllabus of IT. Let us know how you can download the syllabus in pdf format.

The complete syllabus of BSc IT in accordance with the UGC can be downloaded from the below links. Please note that this is the exact syllabus as proposed by UGC.

SyllabusLink to Download
Information Technology BScDownload Here

This is how you can download the complete syllabus for free in pdf.

University-wise Syllabus

The syllabus of your university might vary a little. Thus, we are here with the syllabus of some of the top Indian universities.

If the syllabus of your university is not available below, then you can leave a comment with your University name & we will try our best to arrange it as soon as possible.

University Name BSc IT Syllabus
Calicut UniversityDownload Here
Amity University View Here
Mumbai UniversityDownload Here
Kumaun UniversityDownload Here

Final Words

The syllabus of BSc for different universities might be slightly different. However, they follow the one proposed by the UGC

In this post, we have tried our best to provide you with the syllabus of IT for some of the top Indian universities. If the name of your university is not on the list, kindly leave a comment below this post & we will provide it to you asap.

We hope you have found this post helpful. Share it with your friends & help others too.

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