BSc Mathematics Syllabus: All Semesters [PDF]

In this post, we have shared the complete syllabus of BSc mathematics for all semesters.

Along with that we have also shared the university wise syllabus of some of the top universities.

The subjects of bsc mathematics are discussed below. However, the complete syllabus can be downloaded from download links.

BSc Mathematics Syllabus

BSc 1st Year Maths Syllabus

Semester ISemester II
Elementary Algebra & TrigonometryGroup Theory
Differential CalculusIntegral Calculus
Geometry & Vector AnalysisAnalytical Geometry

BSc 2nd Year Maths Syllabus

Semester IIISemester IV
Advanced AlgebraVector Spaces & Matrices
Differential EquationsReal Analysis
MechanicsMathematical Methods

BSc 3rd Year Maths Syllabus

Semester VSemester VI
Linear AlgebraNumerical Methods
Complex AnalysisMathematical Statistics
Functions of Several variables & Partial Differential EquationsOperations Research

BSc Maths Syllabus Download PDF

The complete syllabus of BSc Mathematics in pdf format is given below. You can simply click on the download button to download it.

University Wise BSc Syllabus

In this section, we have shared BSc maths syllabus of some of the top universities.

1. B.Sc. Mathematics Syllabus for BHU

The complete syllabus of BHU for BSc mathematics is given in the below pdf file. You can download the syllabus by clicking on the link below.

BHU Syllabus >>

2. B.Sc. Mathematics Syllabus for Kumaun University

The syllabus of Kumaun University is somewhat similar to the one provided above. You can click on the link below to download directly via there official website.

KU Syllabus >

3. B.Sc. Mathematics Syllabus for Allahabad University

The undergraduate syllabus of Allahabad University is quite different from other universities & seems a bit easy.

AU Syllabus >>

4. B.Sc. Mathematics Syllabus for Delhi University

Delhi University, also known as DU is one of the top universities in Delhi. The complete syllabus of BSc Maths Hons can be downloaded from the below link.

DU Syllabus >>

I Can’t find my University Syllabus ??

If the syllabus of your university is not listed here, then you have two things to do:

  • Visit your university website & find the detailed syllabus.
  • Leave a comment below this post & we will help you get it.

We hope you enjoyed this post. Leave a comment if you find it helpful!

Related Syllabus:


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